Tooth Whitening

For A Whiter Smile!

The safest, most effective treatments to enhance your smile.

Professional tooth whitening can often restore your confidence and without the need for veneers or crowns.

Tooth whitening, when carried out by a qualified dental professional is known to be the safest, easiest and most effective way to lighten the natural shade of your teeth using clinically-proven techniques.

Patients will initially have a thorough examination to ensure they are dentally fit for tooth whitening and to determine the most appropriate whitening option. For best results, we recommend that patients visit one of our hygiene therapists for a dental hygiene cleaning to remove any tartar or staining to maximise the results.

The result achieved can often rejuvenate your smile without the need for veneers or crowns.

Professional whitening is the only way to actually change the colour of teeth. It is a safe and effective way to improve your appearance, boost self-confidence and appear more youthful.


Lightening Darker Teeth or Removing White Spots

In such cases, we can provide a specialised technique accompanied by traditional whitening to help remove or reduce these white spots, very often without the need to modify health tooth tissue.

During teeth whitening at our clinics, the gums are covered with a special protective substance. a high- quality Opalescence whitening gel is applied to the teeth, reaching the deep layers of the tooth and whitening them. Do not be afraid of discomfort your teeth will be covered by a desensitising gel as they may be more sensitive after this whitening procedure. In a few days, the sensitivity will fade. Your teeth can even become whiter by several shades, depending on tooth structure and other important factors. Laser teeth whitening, performed at the dentist’s office, lasts up to an hour, so the procedure is fast and the results are very effective.

For deeper white spot areas, a small amount of tooth modification may be necessary but often patients are delighted with the initial change which can be dramatic.